Heat Pump Market: European Heat Pump Market Blows Out in 2022

Heat Pump Market: European Heat Pump Market Blows Out in 2022! The carbon peaking and carbon neutrality goals has prompted the transformation of the energy structure. The conflict between Russia and Ukraine has led to a shortage of natural gas. Air source heat pumps have become a [...]

2023-07-13T13:23:16+00:00Emerging Trends in Chilling Technology, NEWS|Comments Off on Heat Pump Market: European Heat Pump Market Blows Out in 2022

Market analysis of China’s cold storage manufacturing industry.

Market analysis of China's cold storage manufacturing industry. Cold storage is one of the important infrastructures in the cold chain logistics industry. In recent years, the number of cold storage in my country has increased, but it is still insufficient compared to the huge market demand. According [...]

2023-07-13T14:01:10+00:00Emerging Trends in Chilling Technology, NEWS|Comments Off on Market analysis of China’s cold storage manufacturing industry.
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